Saturday, March 23, 2013

Adding another stick to the tally

I am celebrating my 19th birthday today. Right! It's the 23rd of March again. I can't believe how time flies by so fast. I guess it's a sign that am getting old. I mean, like, serious old. Not to make fun of those adults there. It's just that I don't really feel that youthful enthusiasm when my birthday comes near anymore. But even so, I still feel happy today. I guess birthdays can really release endorphin (or was that serotonin?). I am happy because my friends greeted me at twelve midnight. I was surprised because they were just waiting online, not talking to me, and suddenly come bursting out after twelve with their greetings. They sent me messages and also pictures of me with them with captions that warmed my heart so much.

I admit that I am really happy today. But I could not deny the fact that I do feel a bit of sadness. Since I, again, made someone feel bad (so to speak). Well, I guess it wasn't really much my fault but I believe that I was just too straight forward to announce something that did not sound good to a certain someone. I liked how that person talked to me. How I obviously become flattered with the compliments. How I admired the sense of humor that person had while talking to me. Not to mention how I felt special to those set of eyes. But even with those pleasantries, I couldn't let it continue any further. I wouldn't want that person to have hopes into a hopeless case. So, blatantly, I urged the person to stop. It was a first for that person to be rejected in such a manner. I was showered with sweetness. But I could not return the favor. I haven't spoken with that person since 12:50 AM today. I expected that we'd still communicate like before even if I already blocked a certain path. So I just told myself that maybe it was for the best. But yeah, I guess I should just give some space and time. And I wont talk much about it specially here since that someone likes to research.

So my day didn't really start off as great as I expected. But as I fell beneath the murky waters of the dream world, I felt at ease. Waking up, I just tried to think positive and look forward to the things that I will be doing today. The first thing I saw in my phone's inbox was a message from my mom. It was sweet of her to send me a message since she knows I wouldn't be able to wake up early enough before she leaves for work. My sister also greeted me with a photo and a caption through Facebook. So, basically, I spent most of the morning replying to greetings sent by friends and family. During lunch, mom blessed the meal and offered prayers for me. We had spaghetti. It was a simple meal since we planned to splurge tomorrow as a double celebration for me and my sister who just graduated from high school. 

Now, I will still have to make the house look presentable for my visitors later this evening. I invited my high school buddies for a drink and some pulutan. I do hope I pull this hosting thing later. I am not used to having visitors around the house. 

So yeah, today is certainly my birthday. I hope that my wish this year would come true. :D 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My life is an abstract masterpiece

My world revolves in a swirl and tumble

Yes! Life in my world is beyond what is normal

Much madness is true in a world less humble

Always absurd in an idea less formal

Coiled is the image, abstract as you may see

Kiss the spirit of this masterpiece; my world- me.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Poem #1

Melancholy of Half-heart

It was time for the symphony to begin

And I faced the curtains with a grin

As velvet-satins threw open amidst me

I thought of happy thoughts all around me

The flute, clarinet, bassoon, and trombone

Were happily playing as they were blown

The violin, cello, double bass, and viola

Were singing their strings during the coda

It was fanciful, I guess, and that I felt so alive

For music was my life, music was mine

And all what I thought of was music alone-

Music of love that came from my soul

A love that is softer than any aria

A love that is more vivid than any orchestra

A love that I defined as a blooming rose

A love that my heart seeks to compose

That love I had felt for some years in the past

Still haunts my mind as time grew fast

That single love that tangled my heart

And burst it open in a single dart

That love was short lived, just so you know

Back then I believed that we wouldn’t let go

But I was wrong, half-heart was weak

Half-heart never got to kiss my cheek

And so the story, like the orchestra,

Young love needs to end its quirky agenda

And like the orchestra, I dare to compare

Young love ends crashing down in despair


Great news guys. I just found a new way to waste my time in Manila! :3

So I've decided to write poems every now and then and I would post it here. I might place one weekly but I wouldn't be too sure about that. Anyway, these poems are originals so please don't be too judgmental. I am not that good at writing poems in the first place. At least I try my best.

The novelette will be updated by September and it will be part 4 and part 5. Broken Strings is still in its introductory part. I hope you guys could still be patient. I am quite busy at the moment with my college life.

Thanks for reading my works and I hope I receive nice feedbacks... :3

Friday, August 6, 2010

Broken Strings

Part 3

A week later, Naoko found himself at the golden gates of Chou City's School of Fine Arts and Music. His mother took the effort to enroll him in the best music school nearest to their city. Shiratori City didn't have any music school so Naoko had to study his music in Chou City.

Chou was a beautiful garden lined along a beach filled with crystal clear water and soft white sand encircled by towering trees and cherry blossoms. The wind was subtle and fresh as if it was purified before entering the atmosphere. No wonder they built a music school in Chou City. It was a calm Utopia for talented students of music and arts.

Naoko loved Chou City. And so did he love his school for the summer. He passed along the classic brick arch and stepped inside the premises of the campus. The path was made in luxurious marble and decorated with bushes of roses along the way. The school was in the heart of a bright green forest. Naoko had to walk a few meters just to get to the main building of the school.

As soon as he reached the end of the path, he saw this huge oak door embedded with silver ornaments and elongated windows which were also ornamented with silver pieces.

On the elevated steps towards the door, a lady dressed in a long azure gown greeted him and said, "Welcome Master Mitsuwa to Chou City's School of Fine Arts and Music. I am the Director of the House of Music, Madame Claire Hanizuki. And I will be guiding you today around the campus. Your personal items and wardrobe has been placed inside your room which we will be headed to later on."

Naoko smiled and replied to the lady, "I am pleased to meet you Madame Hanizuki. I am honored to be in your wonderful institution."

"Very well then", said the lady, "I will now escort you around the campus."

Both of them entered the towering oak door and into the shining lobby of the school.

As they entered, Naoko was amazed to see the beautiful paintings lined on the wall. They looked very priceless and very adoring. He also noticed the blue Ming vase placed at the middle of the room. It was painted with majestic dragons and clouds and mountains of different heights. He also saw the flowing velvet curtain in a silvery hue mounted on golden rods above the gothic windows. Above him was an enormous silver chandelier adorned with pure crystals and aquamarine gems. He felt thrilled on what mystery he would be unfolding next as he walked upon the silvery carpet that lead to the grand staircase of the lobby.

"Are you happy on what you see Master Mitsuwa?", asked the lady.

"Well, yes Madame. The school is.... well... very beautiful? I can't explain its splendor in mere words!", Naoko chuckled in a laughable face.

"Then you would like what you will see next, Master Mitsuwa.", said the lady.

"Madame, you can just call me Naoko, if you would like to.", Naoko offered. "I am not really used in being called master or any sort of titles."

"Pardon me.", said the lady."But in this school, all faculty officials and teachers must address all the students as master or mistress. It is our code, Master Mitsuwa."

"I understand... Madame", Naoko replied shyly as they walked.

"But do not be downed Master. Cheer up. You will be amazed on what you will see behind this door.", the lady exclaimed.

They were walking along a hall filled with classic silver candelabras and portraits of former ace students of the academy as they stumbled upon another towering oak door. But this time, the door was in a bronze hue- very metallic and deep in color.

Naoko wondered why the door was very different from the silver theme of the lobby and hallway. He just thought that maybe the architect that designed the school lost interest from silver all the sudden then changed into a serious tone of bronze.

The door was opened by a couple of maids dressed in a classic black maid suit. A bright light welcomed them as they walked inside the bronze oak door and into a hall decorated with warm bronze ornaments.

"Master, this is where our trail begins: The Central Hall.", said the lady. "As we walk along this area, I will be narrating a little bit of history of the places we will be visiting today. And I would have to ask you to be in your best manners because the council members stroll around the campus every once in a while to check on the condition of the school. They wouldn't like it if they would see you slouching or dragging your feet around. Are we clear master?"

"Well, yes of course Madame Hanizuki. I acquiesce to your request", Naoko replied silently.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Broken Strings

Part Two

As Naoko was listening to his mother, he took his cup and drank some water. Then he replied, "now I get it. But if my grandparents are such great musicians, how come dad never knew how to play an instrument?"

His mother's face turned gloomy as she answered his son's query.

"Your father wasn't into music, dear. He was the silent type of guy. Although he is nice, he just doesn't appreciate your grandparents' music. But he did try to play the clarinet once."

"He did...?", he sarcastically replied.

"Oh stop this gibberish none sense. He's your father and you should try to respect him.", his mother angrily spoke.

"Yea right. My father is a failure and you know it. He can't even play the clarinet."

Naoko's deep anger to his father started when he was still a young boy. His father wanted him to be as perfect as he thought he was- smart, refined, a born leader, and so forth. But his ways of teaching his son were torturing. Coming from a high class family, Naoko's father valued perfection and great standard. So he will do anything to make his son look as the best among any other person in their place.

His father sent him to leadership classes every weekends from 7 in the morning 'til 6 in the evening. Then his father would take him to his study room to teach him the gentleman's code 'til midnight. Then his father sends him every summer to a summer school wherein he will remain in a dormitory until the summer is over.

Naoko never enjoyed those days with his father. But because now that his father is working abroad, he can freely enjoy his life with his mom in the ranch.

Naoko's mother went silent as she grabbed her cup to drink. You can read from her face the grief of having his son think his own father as a failure.

The silence broke when Naoko uttered, "music."

His mother took her cup down and said, "what did you say dear?"

"Mom", Naoko replied. "I would want to have a music class for the summer."

Surprised, his mother pressed her chest and gulped hard.

"Errr... Naoko dear. Are you sure you want this?", she spoke with great care.

"Of course I do. Why else would i say it if I wouldn't want it?", he seriously said.

His mother stared at her cup and thought to herself that the reason why Naoko decided to take the class is because he wanted to prove that he could do something that his father could not. And maybe also to point out that he is not a failure like his father.

"Well?", Naoko whispered."Can I get into a music class?

"His mother thought for a while, but soon took Naoko's hand and said, " If this is what you want. If this makes you happy. Then yes, dear.

"Naoko's face grew bright with a cheerful smile.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Broken Strings

Story One:

The violin beside the piano

Part One

It was a fine summer day in the countryside of Shiratori City. The rooster had just finished to wake up each sleepy head in the ranch with its screeching call. Well, maybe not everyone. For a certain young man was still in his bed, dreaming about pizza and braised beef. His name was Mitsuwa Naoko, an incoming 8th grader in the Science Academy in the city. It was Saturday, so the boy has the whole day to get some rest. But of course in the countryside, too much sleeping is never tolerated.

The floor was trembling like an earthquake was about to wake. Thundering noises could be heard from downstairs. Naoko woke up terrified, not because he taught it was an earthquake, but because of the wet wake up call that he would be experiencing in a few seconds. His face was unreadable from dismay. And just as he grabbed his blanket closer, two furry and big Saint Bernards came in front of his door and jumped on his bed and began to lick his face.

"Hey, cut it out ,Bow and Key! Do you really have to smother me with your saliva?", he said sarcastically as he pat them to calm down.

The two dogs made a cute face and cuddled Naoko, seemingly to convince him to play with them.

"Do you really want to play now, boys?", Naoko said.

The dogs showed their bright faces at Naoko and they both stood up wagging their tails while panting cutely.

"Alright guys, you got me. But let's have breakfast first shall we?", Naoko offered. He wore his slippers and said to the dogs, "last one in the kitchen is Justin Bieber!"

So they all ran downstairs. And as they raced into the kitchen, Naoko tripped on a fold of a carpet and landed on the floor and then glided under a table. The two dogs were already in the kitchen. But as they heard the thump on the floor, they both got back and checked on Naoko.

"Oww... What a ride.", Naoko said as he tried to get up.

The dogs panted peculiarly and barked a few times looking like they were laughing at Naoko.

"Well, I guess am Bieber then", he said jokingly.

He then limped towards the kitchen. There he found breakfast, ready to be served. But just as he reached for some hot buns that were fresh from the oven, his mother came in from the back door.

"Put that down! Those are for Mr. Gaiman.", his mother said. "He is sick today so I'll be bringing some food for him to eat. I'll just bake some for you tomorrow."

"Awww mom..... Can I have one? Please?", Naoko pleaded.

"The answer is no, young man. Am really curious why you have such a large appetite at your age."

"I think it's just part of growing up. Let's leave it at that.", Naoko replied teasingly.

Both of them laughed a bit, and after a few chuckles, they heard the dogs whine while dragging their bowls.

"Ohh you two. I guess your hungry now.", said Naoko's mom.

The two dogs panted cutely and waited for their master to pour some delicious dog food in their big empty bowls.

Soon after that, Naoko and his mom ate their breakfast outside at the garden. There was a small table and two chairs placed at the center of the beautiful rose entwined corral-shaped trellis. While eating, they discussed about Naoko's plans for the summer.

"Dear, do you still want to continue that art class you started last summer?", his mother said as she took a piece of bacon on the tray.

"You're joking right? Am not going to any art class unless the teacher isn't Mr. Pierre", he uttered grudgingly.

"First of all", his mother said, "it's Monsieur Pierre and secondly, why not take his class? He's the best artist that I know and besides, he's a friend of your father so you have to repect him.", she added.

"Whatever. Am not going to an art class then. If it's the only way to avoid that monstrous teacher", Naoko said angrily.

"Be nice dear. But if you're not gonna take an art class, then what in the world do you want to do this summer? Emm.. Just make sure it's something worthwhile though."

Naoko went into a deep state of thinking. It's as if he was thinking for his life. He looked around and saw the never used gazebo near the patches or petunias and violets. Naoko has always wondered why his family built something they never got the chance to use.

"Mom?", Naoko said curiously.

"Yes dear?", his mother replied.

"Why haven't I seen the gazebo used since, well, ever?"

"Oh dear, that isn't true.", his mother answered. "That small gazebo standing at the side of the garden was once the center of entertainment in gatherings and parties during the time when your father was still courting me. Though there was only one act that is permitted to use that gazebo as a stage."

"Only one act? Who are they?", Naoko said.

"Why.. Who else than your grandma and grandpa"

"Wait, your saying that my grandparents are entertainers?", Naoko replied confused.

"I don't know if you've forgotten or what, but your grandparents were the best instrument players here in the countryside."

"Oh yeah. That one. Well I never actually got the chance to meet them. I guess that's the reason why I sometimes forget about it.", he replied arrogantly.

"I suppose so. But I guess I also have a fault for not telling much stories about your grandparents. You see, your grandpa Lewis was a romantic guy, and he wooed the ladies with his violin. But even so, the only girl that he fell in love with was your grandma Bertha.", his mother imparted.

"So if you say that they played together, what instrument did grandma Bertha played?", Naoko curiously replied.

"Well your grandma was a clarinet player but she also loved to play the piano. And yes, the piano wooed your grandpa to your grandma's heart."