Monday, April 26, 2010

April 27,2010

I've been kinda bored lately so I found the time to finally update my blog. And along with my very awkward comeback will be an explosion of new things that I would like to tell eveyone,(well, not really).

First up, I've decided to make MV's this summer so that I could still stimulate my mind. I already have my channel in youtube and I already posted something there which is probably just worthless crap that i made a few nights ago cause i was hyped and i couldn't do anything so I recorded a spoof on a song entitled "cool off" by Yeng Constantino. Some of you people might not know the song because you are not a Filipino.. SUCKS TO BE YOU! kidding.. It's in a Filipino dialouge so some of you might not comprehend it but trust me it is way freaky and stupid so leave a comment if you want but please don't hate me! If you were stuck in bed with nothing else better to do than pick your nose and roll over like a dog, you'd do the same thing as I did. As in totally don't hate. I HATE haters... ok... first news down... second one ready.

As some of my friends would know, I am capable of writing literaries well but not pretty well. Trust me you should never expect perfection with my works. And I have decided to make a mini novel which is like a novel made shorter. The first part of the story will be posted this saturday (asian time) and it will be the prelude or the foreword.. whatever.... So just check it out and peak through it if you would want to. The first chapter will be posted next week. Don't know when but it'll be there next week. Trust me on this one.

So anyway, it's like 2 in the morning now and am getting retarded. I need some sleep before I hit my head with the monitor. Nyt nyt! :3

signing off...

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