Friday, January 8, 2010

Jan 8,2010

the month is almost over and basically am just 2 months away from high school gradutaion.. damn i feel awkward today... not the typical awkward but i just stare most of the time and think away from what's infront of me... you get what i mean... am "beyond" the typical me..

well.. it's lunch time and am still not eating cuz i dont feel like enjoying a meal right now. am still thinking... thinking abot stuff that you people shouldnt know about... personal stuff i guess... am still confused. VERY confused about the things happening around me... it's as if i was frozen for years then jsut revived in the modern age of the unknown...

<.< see what i mean.. am being paranoid...

so today i woke up about 7 in the morning and my body still aches from the long walk we had in candaba. yesterday we had our outbound trip and honestly i didnt enjoy the whole thing... it's as if i just wasted my time an effort. furthermore, i used my money to buy my own drinks and food cause i forgot to get some from my parents.. and i think i'd go bankcrupt in no time at all cause the days ahead will be full of new expenses and so on.. specially that the JS prom is near... i'd be needing new clothes... this is my last year as a high school student so why not flaunt 'til i have the opportunity right?

on the other hand, am still thinking... .-. am gonna leave a blank stare

.-. << like that

i think you people should try it too... .-.

haha... an upside down stare...

ok.. so well atleast i dont have any school work to do today cuz i really dont want to do anything today.. today is rest day and no one is gonna take it away from me! not even evil clowns! XD no offense.. <.<

btw... along the way in our outbound yesterday, i caught pictures of some of my classmates while they were sleeping in the jeep.. take a look.. x3

this is brandon sleeping in the front seat... xD

this one is nicco and he was sitting infront of me.. x3

this is maela.. our class valedictorian.. haha

lastly, this is bj... he was only covering his face with his hat but he wasnt actually sleeping by that time.. but still... xDD


ok... awkward pix xD i have four people in my collection of sleeping people... hehe

anyway... i also have a pic during our long walk in the bird sanctuary with my classmates... check this out...

ok so those are just some of the pix.. but i did post some of the other pix in FB...
anyway... i think my headache is getting worse... be back soon with more stories to tell...


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