Monday, January 4, 2010

Jan 4, 2010

wow.. it's been a long time since i checked in my blog.. kinda misssed the days when i used to type in things i did during my summer vacation in manila... i dont know why but something is telling me to post a new topic today... it's kinda weird..

anyway.. today was the resuming of classes after the christmas vacation... after all the hustle and bustle during the holidays, we're back to normal! haha... i dont really know if it is normal but i guess it's a good thing cause i actually missed school and i guess i'll be missing it more when i graduate from high school.. hehe... 3 months to go! and college, here i come!

for some reason that i can't explain, i've been down lately... kinda laggish and somehow bored with stuff... even at class today.. i wasn't in my top performance... at first i thought it was just because i didnt have a good night's sleep or that i had too much time using the computer... but it wasnt just that.. i felt a deeper thing inside me that i can't elaborate of define...

or maybe yea am just tired... >_<

kidding aside, i wasnt feeling like myself today... well maybe i just needed rest but i thought to myself that i needed something else... something that i really dont get everyday.... something that would jumpstart my life and would make me do what i need and have to do... in short, i wanted something to inspire me... cause deep inside me i feel this emptiness that needs to be filled....

to be honest... yea am a bit depressed... just ignore the things i said a while ago...
i havent gotten any decent sleep cause i was too busy thingking of things that i really shouldnt think about... like for the best example, i wondered who would make me smile today... who would make me laugh... i know most of the people who see me at school or wherever who do know me would name me "the quiet one" or the "emo guy"... but am not just a guy with a silent aura... am more than that... i admit i'am a bit quiet... but i too need some chuckles with the people around me... it's just like what i say.... "smile is in you"... although most of you might wonder, why is smile inside of you? does it mean that happiness is always there inside of ourselves? i dont know to you but it perfectly makes sense to me... i guess you need to reflect yourself on that...

back to the point... somehow am really longing for something... something that i havent had a glimpse of for a very long time... too bad i can't tell you what it is but all i can say that it is "really special"... as in speacial that i just can't live without it... haha... that just made me think about food...

on the other side of life... today is also the last day of my aunt's vacation here in the Philippines together with her daughter and my grandma.. they live in the states and they came home just to celebrate christmas and new year with us.... and of course to meet up with friends, relatives, and so on... basically we're loosing another part of our family but i dont think of it as a big goodbye... i know that they're still there even thought they will be far away from us... and that we know we can still talk to them.. man didnt make technology for nothing you know! i for sure will totally miss them... my aunt's corny antics (although she's really funny), my cousin's big appetite (although she's skinny [like me!]), and my grandma's chatter box... (-zip-)... they'd be leaving tomorrow afternoon and i'd be coming too so i guess i'd be absent for my afternoon classes tomorrow... surely my teachers would understand... hehe

and now it's 10:55 pm and i really should get some sleep... -sigh- man i missed staying up all night trying to figure out what to type everyday.....

so i guess i'll just come back after a few days or so... fell free to leave a comment.. :3 ciao!

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