Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12, 2009

well i guess i didn't had time to write a story yesterday... good thing i didn't do much at all.... hehe..... just an ordinary day for me.....

anyway today is may 12, 2009.... its tuesday and i have speech class.....

this morning i went to buendia to attend my public speaking and leadership training classes at speech powers..... it a educational facility for personality development, public speaking, and things of some sort......

today we watched our vtr's that we performed last week, thursday.... it was so funny cause we did demo speeches and we were instructed to teach something infront of the whole class and ofcourse the almighty and all seeing video cam to record our nuttiness through out our speeches....

my classmates did a variety of new stuff's for me to learn... one of which was krumping... my classmate neil demonstrated to us some basic steps and insights about krumping... it was so wild.... he was such a good dancer.... and man that was whack... the whole anger management routine went in throughout the whole performance....

chess is one of my favorite sport... it's a game of strategy and ofcourse a little bit of facial sarcasm of as i like to call it, bluffing.... my classmate gelo talked about it in his demo speech... he discussed about how the game was played, how to move the pieces, and etc.... it wasnt actually new to me and i thought to myself that i didn't need to hear all of that, but to the fact that i did learn some new facts about chess, i got interested in listening... hehe

i was the third to perform.... and my jaws dropped to the floor like hell as i saw myself there acting like a stooge..... duh.....! i was talking about japanese numerals.... i taught my classmates how to count in japanese.... it was a very complicated topic but i guess i pulled it through.... but man i hated myself on cam.... PERIOD!

next up was JJ.... and i totaly stopped a little as i saw what he was holding.... paper.... and my brain started to malfunction for a while.... he was going to teach us origami..... and i said to myself.... whew! good thing i dumped that paper folding idea in the trash bin before i end up doing the same topic as JJ was..... we did a paper frog.... JJ was a little bit fast in his instructions... that's why a person like me who sucks at origami couldn't follow much.... hehe... nvm... atleast i tried my best....

fifth to present was kyra.... i was amazed when she introduced her topic last thursday... she was demonstrating some moves in taekwondo.... she taught us some cool block moves and some kicks, and also how to do them in the proper way.... and from that moment when she ended her speech, i told myself she did the best demo speech as of the moment....

then we move on to somewhat more familiar subjects.... i've been playing the guitar for some years now and i guess i've gone a little bit better that the first time i held hands on that silly 6 stringed instrument that i dint even know how it works.... hehe... but that was a long time ago.... my friend pauline demonstrated how a guitar was played and how its chords are read and put on play.... she based her demo speech in a song that she performed after her discussion.... the title of the song was "when you say nothing at all"..... hehe.... we sang with her as she played the guitar... btw... pauline also gave free guitar lessons on the spot to neil.... pauline said neil has long fingers so he wouldn't have a hard time in playing a guitar... he was so funny cause his fingers was stiff while pauline was guiding them to each fret and string....
narrator: NO GOSSIPS PLEASE! *zip*

and last to perform was lyndon who was such a great musician... i couldn't believe what i was seeing when he opened that case of his and pulled out a violin to play for his speech.... i was drooling inside cause as a child, i always wanted to play a violin... not to mention all the instruments in the orchestra.... hehe.... he told us about the parts of the violin and their importance.... and that he commented that the violin was easier to play that the guitar.... but i totaly disagree to that...
narrator: I SAID NO GOSSIPS!!! *zip and lock*
show off... r.r

after we saw the playbacks from our performance last week.... it was time for the absentees to perform their demo speeches even though they weren't quite ready....

first up was shira.... i was very familiar with her discussion..... it was about how to read notes in a music sheet and she also talked about the parts of it.... she first discussed the use of the g-clefcand the bass clef... then the key signatures and measures... lastly were the notes themselves.... i understand much of her topic cause as a child i already played some piano but lacked practice... and we also learned some in school which offered flute lessons in music class..... hehe.... it was fun learning old topics again....

gio was the next to perform and is also the last one.... he had this idea while watching the vtr of doing paper stars.... and i said to myself.... origami....! oh no! i suck at this subject! but again i need to come to my senses and listen to the discusion.... gio is a very humorous person and tend to add jokes on his speeches.... so we folded and folded and folded until we finally made it to the last step.... and as expected... i was struggling to finish mine... it was the last frickin' step and i can't even do it right.... i asked pauline to help me out a little but she said i folded the origami too loose.... so i guess my efforts again in doing an origami masterpiece is futile...... gah! *snob snob*

the head of the facility, although i still didn't get his name much yet, observed our performance last week and so did he today for the two absentees and commented on our output.... he said positive things... that's all i can say.... cause i kinda have a hard time remembering what he said that day... but don't worry he said pretty good comments....

and at the end of everything else, we played guesstures!!!! YIPPY!!!!
narrator: SHHH!!!!! D<>ren-dark angel is signing off............

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